"Trinity of Three" Woodblock Print Commission Project

At the end of the spring semester 2010, I was surprised and honored to learn that one of my prints had been chosen by George Mason's Dean of Arts, William Reeder, to become a commissioned gift for Buddhist Philosopher and worldwide speaker, Dr. Daisaku Ikeda. Dean Reeder commissioned a run of 12 copies of my "Trinity of Three" woodblock prints along with two gift boxes which were ultimately hand delivered as gifts to the Dr. Ikeda and several others while in China to present him with an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters.

Below are a series of photos documenting the process of these prints. My thanks to Helen Frederick for presenting my print as one of several wonderful options for Dean Reeder's selection and also to Dean William Reeder for this opportunity.


Dean of Arts, William Reeder

Professor & Director, Helen Frederick

Dr. Daisaku Ikeda

Article about GMU's presentation to Dr. Daisaku Ikeda

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Original Print